Counter Strike Online

Counter Strike Online Overview

Nexon, a South Korean gaming cooperation introduced an online game called Counter Strike Online. It was the sequel of the original Counter strike. It is a First Person Shooter Means FPS game. It is approved and licensed by the United Stated gaming company “Value Cooperation”.

Micro-payment model is used in this game to purchase different weapons or items needed for the game. It was majorly produced for the Asian markets but its popularity is worldwide.

Overview of Counter Strike Online:

Aim of the Game:

The aim of the game is “to kill the opponents or achieve the goal”. Goal is always given to you in the game. Game does not need any special expertise but a little skill and strategy for winning the match. It is a multi-player game. A team of terrorist and counter terrorists fight each other to win the game. It has several modes, weapons, series and maps. All of these aim to provide entertainment and fun.

Peculiarity of Counter Strike Online:

The game is made interesting by using various modes. Some modes are totally new while some are taken from the original Counter Strike. Some of them are:
Assassination, Deterioration, Mutation, Zombie, The Hero, Fun Mode and so on. Zombie mode are mostly alike, fighting modes are common to play whereas there are some entirely different modes as well.

The major example is “World Cup 2010 Mode” In which you had to play in the ground rather than in the battlefield. The company keeps on including new things for instance, new characters, new skins, weapons for the sake of innovation and involvement by the player’s side.

What to do?

Players need game points and sometimes virtual cash to unlock the “Locked Weapons” and “Special Items”. Different modes are played differently, while the basic theme of the game remains the same.

Players have to “Fight” for their survival. In “Zombie: The Hero” mode two teams play the game, Zombies and Human beings. In the zombie modes in Counter Strike Online, all players start being humans but at some point a player becomes a Zombie and starts infecting all the others.

Zombie Modes in Counter Strike:

There are different kinds of zombies in this game, some are regular, light, heavy, pschyco and voodoo etc. The interesting point in this game is different zombies are found in different modes. Like Deimos, Ganymede, Stamper, Banshee and Jiang Shi zombies are available in Zombie: The Hero, Zombie 3: Original and Zombie: United mode.

The variation of zombies depends upon the release area of the game, for example the Singapore version you will find only normal zombies, whereas in China version there are psycho zombies. They have different skills in the game, if one zombie is able to pull players towards it, the other will be able to perform special jumps or block bullets and so on. Original zombies in the Counter Strike Online, enjoy more power and health than the infected zombies after the origin.

Objective of Counter Strike Online:

The level and difficulty level keeps on increasing as you start playing. Counter Strike Online is a “Mission” based game. Your challenge is to fight the new occurring opponents and hurdles in several new maps.

Nexom keeps on updating the game for improving the entertainment level. Every time a new map or hurdle or mode will be introduced for the sake of refreshing the game. “Oil Rig” was the first of many new VIP maps to be released.


The more you achieve the goals the more you will be able to unlock or purchase items in the game. Counter Strike Online is a game that if you start playing it you will get tired but the game will never end. Counter Strike Online is an easy to play but difficult to ignore Game.

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